I just rebooted my PC and I was wondering why it wasn't recognising my Olympus camera cable. I looked down, traced the end, and it was ... BEING CHEWED BY RASCAL! He's REALLY good ... he hid the end of the wire with his toy and so from top view, he's chewing his toy ... until i pulled the wired to see it attached to his mouth!
Argh! He chewed off enough to expose the cables (probably some wires too), and now he's being punished - ignored and locked up at the back.
No more photos till I find a replacement cable =(
Didi I mention I found him tearing holes in my carpets and rugs too? Innocently too, until I spotted him chewing an old rug i wanted to throw away. Then i spotted the balding patches on my carpet. So now, he doesn't have any rugs with him in the day time, unless it's under supervision.